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The podcast has received rave reviews from listeners who appreciate its motivational and inspiring content. Reviewers describe the podcast as "helpful," "inspiring," and "warm," commending its ability to provide practical advice and uplift listeners. The podcast's unique format, featuring relatable analogies and deep-dish advice, has resonated particularly well with both creative professionals and non-creative individuals seeking motivation and inspiration.
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New Find New Keep
I just listened to Andy’s podcast for the first time wondering why I haven’t listened to it before! A new find for me that I will definitely keep and make a habit. Awesome advice and well, “pep talk.” Thank you!

A unicorn of Podcasts
I love how real and informative this podcast is. I espeically like how Andy cracks himself up. Also, there is always a bit of information in every podcast that you can take away and apply to your creative life and endeavors! Great job!

Jump Start your Art
I couldn't appreciate this podcast more. Post graduation I both moved away from my creative commununity, and had a lot of financial struggles, both of which made a huge creative slump for me of several years. Andy does an awesome job of both providing genuine, realistic, creative advice, while balancing it with a sincerity and humility. It really is a solid upbeat pep talk without anything feeling contrived. Thanks so much! It's made such a difference.

You Must Listen
If you're a creative person, looking for encouragment and great insight, you HAVE to listen to this show. Andy does an outstanding job keeping my attention and keeping me encouraged. I've never met him in person but he's already be a huge help on my outlook in the creative field.

Great encouragement!
Love the show, keeps me going during the week!

Very Authentic & Enriching
I'm a recent listener and have really enjoyed Creative Pep Talk. I'm a creative and this year I stepped out on my own into the world of self-employment after 8 years at a full-time gig. It can be scary and exciting out here. Easy to encounter existential panic and wonder where the next work will be coming from. Also easy to enjoy the freedom and diversity of work self-employment offers. I found Andy's podcast in a slump of fear, needing some serious encouragement. That is exactly what I found. I like how Andy is honest about the highs and lows of his own career and thought life, then offers practical vision on how to keep going. He's the kind of host I'd love to sit down and have a beer with to talk these things over. Listening to the podcast is the next best thing. Thanks for the encouragement and keep up the good work! (@hbedward)

Although I am not a commercial illustrator, I find Andy's podcast so inspirational and honest. The values and topics he hits on are key to any creative career. I am an acrylic painter focusing in portraits, trying to transition out of real estate and pour myself exclusively into the art industry. The podcast is a great way to stay motivated on achieving your creative goals!

Very upbeat and positive
Creative Pep Talk lives up to its name. Andy J. Miller has a very positive attitude and I can easily see this being a pep talk for people in the despair of a creative rut.

This podcast is the best. I am so encouraged and inspired by Andy. His passion for creative people is truly admirable.

I just showed up to the Creative Pep Talk party, and love it. Andy hits on all of the points that I think about and muse about and really appreciate the effort he takes to put everything together and out in the world. Thanks so much!

Andy is so freaking helpful in a down to earth way. I think I may actually be able to pull off this creative career and have felt driven for months. Anytime I need a pick-me-up and some wisdom, I listen to an episode. I can't imagine my mindset without this insight. Thanks Andy!!

Best podcast for illustrators!
When I found this podcast it felt like it was custom made for me. I recently started working as an illustrator and sometimes I feel frustrated, but Andy explains everything in such a clear and interesting way that makes you stay motivated and calmed.

Perfect Balance and Variety
Love listening to the show - I really like that there are long and short episodes I can listen to for different times I have the opportunity to listen. Andy J Miller has a great diversity of content and somehow manages (has managed) to cover so many things I am interested in, pondering and struggling with as a creative - and as I try to figure out how that creativity and my art will be able to become part of my life professionally in the post college year - and feel these episodes particularly can be helpful to people in their young 20s but really flexible to and fitting to so many. Especially unique in the entrepreneurial angle and perspective - taking the creative entrepreneur seriously and this can be hard to learn about and find real resources on. Really worth listening to for his advice and the outside resources provided as well. Thanks for being so inspiring and bringing the pep to those of us who need it most!

Amazing boost for any creative
This show has continually given me more and more inspiration. Through experiences and hysterical metaphors Andy gives me the boost I often need to start a new project, finish an existing one, or even reassurance when feel down about your work. I highly recommend it to all creatives.

So Inspiring
Really happy I discovered this podcast! It's extremely motivating, and I believe I found it right at the time in my life I needed it the most. Thank you for the inspiration! Keep it up!

Like a late night discussion with an old friend
I discovered this podcast in the middle of 2015 and it came at just the right time in my creative life. From the very start, I felt like Andy's pontifications were speaking directly to me. I'm in my mid-30's so I've had plenty of time in the "industry" to figure things out—I've tried my hand at everything. I've been a portrait painter, gallery artist, illustrator, art director, comic book artist, designer, college educator in graphic design and I'm currently working on a second masters degree in Design part-time, BUT I've felt frazzled/listless in my creative practice more often than I would like. It ultimately affects the quality of the final, creative product. In several of these podcast episodes (I can't remember which ones), Andy discusses this directly and I felt convicted of stretching my skills too thin and making my focus too wide. These even caused me to re-think my personal mantra for my career, "DO IT ALL." I was so, so wrong. I say this, because we all come from different places and Andy does a great job trying to reach people where they are with this podcast. The encouragement is golden. Also, Andy makes being a parent and a creative professional seem possible (it is...with hard work). I have many peers in the industry who put career before family, and he makes the valid point that life/family really feed creativity. Lastly, I like Andy's monologue episodes the best. He speaks intelligently, honestly, with humor, but keeps it clean. Too much crass language can really have a negative effect. Thanks for everything, Andy! Sorry it took me so long to comment. Take it easy, Chase Q PS. Andy, I added your podcast to my Syllabus for the upcoming semester. Required listening?

Great insight and motivation!
Great insight and motivation!

This podcast is about so much more than art.
I always say that a good documentary isn't about whatever the subject is... it's about life. Or as James Joyce said (and James Victore reminded us), "In the specific lies the universal." That's what I love about this podcast. If you come looking for advice on art, creativity, and being financially successful in those areas, you're going to get it. In fact, you'll get more good advice than you can possibly put into practice. But in addition to that, you'll learn a heck of a lot about what makes a good life. Andy is a con artist in the best possible sense. He lures you in with promises of creative pep talks, then sucker-punches you with deep meaning when you least expect it. I couldn't love this podcast any more than I already do. Give it a try. I guarantee you will love it.

Genuine and Inspiring
Andy does a great job at taking an idea and unpacking it into simple and entertaining bullet points. Many of these bullet points involve Jim Henson, Boyz II Men, and the Power Rangers. I get the same vibe from these podcasts as I did from conversations with classmates at school — funny, insightful, and passionate.

Love the show
So appreciate having encouragement from another artist and someone who deeply understands the struggles. I'm a big fan.

Real talk
I'm a junkie for "Boost productivity and make a million dollars" pods. But this is conversation about the things you need to be paying attention to when attempting to make a living with your craft. Looking forward to seeing this pod grow even further.

Thank you
This podcast has hands down changed the way that I view my potential within the illustration world, and has in turn boosted my outlook on life as a creative altogether. My eyes have been opened to an endless world of opportunity. Thank you so much Andy, I could not have asked for a better mentor in these early stages of my creative career.

literally my favorite ever podcast
Love your pep talks. they actually pep me up for real and are super inspiring, encouraging, and super helpful! I tell all of my creatvie friends about your podcast.

I feel so inspired
Are you ever out and see something so beautiful/amazing/griping that you get so inspired and want to grab the nearest piece of paper and just give life to all these new ideas? This is how this podcast makes me feel. It really makes my office job bearable because I realize it's only temporary and not every artist starts off immediately where they want to be. On top of being inspiring, this podcast gives me hope.

Unwavering Pep-Tastic Spirit
How do I even begin to articulate the gift that Andy has given to me and so many listeners? It has taken me ages to finally sit down and write this review, perhaps because each new episode surpasses the next in excellence. Andy launched Creative Pep Talk around the same time he started teaching at my alma mater, a class that I was so privileged to be a part of, and let me tell you first hand - the goodies he is providing through Creative Pep Talk (for FREE) are priceless. Seriously folks, I cannot fully describe how much value Andy brings to this realm. So open the gift that is Creative Pep Talk and feel the power of the pep within Andy's unwavering pep-tastic spirit!

Great source for knowledge, inspiration and fun. A must.

EddyT FR
Hey man, love the podcasts, love the vibe! Thanks for keeping us or at least me motivated! ;)

great !
Love it ! thanx Andy !

fantastic and inspiring podcast
this podcast is full of positive thoughts, good advice, smart ideas on how to get better. Very inspirational. Thanks Andy for doing this!

Serious, inspiring and accessible
At the end of 2015 I discovered the Creative Peptalk. I immediately loved this podcast and I find it inspiring in many ways. Andy J. Miller talks about the struggles you have being a professional in the creative industrie. While sharing his own insights, experiences and ideas, he challenges you to think about what you want to accomplish and discover your own path (career). A very inspiring and fun podcast to listen too. Thank you for making them!