July 14, 2021

325 - The 3 Step Creative Journey from Forgettable to All-Time Favorite

325 - The 3 Step Creative Journey from Forgettable to All-Time Favorite

Have you ever went looking for new art in your field to stoke your creative flame, but inadvertently squelched your fire completely when you realized just how overwhelmingly stiff the competition is these days?

Being a creative can feel impossible. Even if you get past all your inner demons and can find the discipline to show up on a regular basis, you then face an even greater challenge: an enormous sea of competition.

But there is good news: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE THE BEST you only have to be different and… be able to embody and articulate that difference in meaningful and clear ways in your work and how you position your work in the marketplace.

In this episode we help you do just that.


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Stephen Pressfield - Tim FERRISS

JP Coovert Dungeons and Dragons Kickstarter

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