A Weekly Podcast Companion for Your Creative Journey

Keeps me pepped up

Creative pep talk is one of those must-listen-to podcasts when it comes to illustration, or, living as a creative maker in general. He brings up a broad variety of subjects worth reflecting upon, that, even if I'm in the area of commercial art as Andy, I can see it applicable on other disciplines as well. For example, in one of the latest episodes the subject of what value you bring and how you should try to put that into words that other can resonate with, is super helpful no matter if you're a graphic designer, project manager or pretty much anything else.

And the audio quality is consistently good too, which in combination with Andy's voice makes it pleasurable to listen to for longer than one hour sessions. Really! I think those are important aspects of a good podcast as well.

Sept. 5, 2015 by Son of Bjorn on Apple Podcasts

A Weekly Podcast Companion for Your Creative Journey

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